March 10: How a Paper Wrapper Converted a Soul


The book, The Month of St. Joseph, presents daily considerations for the month of March in the form of meditations and practical examples. The example for today is as follows.



Some years ago a young man devoid of all religious feeling, who lived in the city of Turin, bought a pennyworth of tobacco which was wrapped in a piece of printed paper. To while away the time he began to read what was on the paper. It happened to be a prayer to Saint Joseph, to obtain a happy death, and although he hardly understood the meaning, it made an impression on him, and the thought recurring to his mind, he took the paper from his pocket and read it again.

His companions, whose curiosity was excited, tried to get the paper from him, but he hid it and joined in their games. As soon as he found himself alone, he took out his paper; for an indescribable impression had been left on his mind the first time he read it. After reading it again and again, he ended by learning it by heart, and often found himself repeating it unconsciously.

Though the homage he thus paid to St. Joseph was as it were involuntary, yet it did not pass unrewarded. St. Joseph touched his heart, and enlightening his understanding, the truths of religion presented themselves so forcibly to him, that he sought a priest and put himself under instructions. His after-life edified all who knew him, and he persuaded many to let no day pass without praying to St. Joseph for a happy death.


This anecdote comes from the Month of St. Joseph by Abbé Berlioux, originally published in English in the year 1887. This book contains meditations and an example story for each day of the month. In an effort to preserve short inspiring stories from our Catholic past, every day for the month of March you can find the example story for the day published on the website under people/stories.

The same author also published similar books for the months of, May (Our Lady), June (Sacred Heart), and November (Holy Souls). We are planning to post the stories for these months in the future and are working with Mediatrix Press to re-publish these as a four book collection, so be sure to check back. The Month of St. Joseph is available now.